Why eye tracking ?
Eye movements have been intensively studied for over 100 years. This is because the way that people move their eyes may reveal a lot of information about their emotions, intentions and experience.
To obtain information about eye movement, an appropriate device - called an eye tracker - has to be used. The initial years in this area of study were very uncomfortable for participants in the experiments - as seen in the first image. Fortunately, technological development has significantly improved experimental conditions. What is more, it has allowed for self-constructing of devices, such as in the last of the presented pictures.
How can it be used ?
The usefulness of eye movement analysis has been confirmed in many areas of interest by research. It may be used for example in assessing advertisements' effectiveness, in sociology, medicine and cognitive studies.
Recently, a lot of attention has been focused on applying eye movement for the enhancement of human-computer interfaces. Using gaze information as a new input device in a way similar to a mouse seems to be a promising technique, making cooperation with computers even easier for inexperienced users. Nevertheless, eye movement processing still faces a lot of usability concerns such as e.g. the Midas touch problem, hence a lot of effort must be made to ensure this technique is really user friendly.
The analysis of eye movement signal has also been considered in terms of behavioral biometrics for human identification.
Related activities
My reserach regarding the presented issues is accompanied by varoius events such as:
- EMVIC 2014
The Second Eye Movements Verification and Identification Competition, in which I played the role of the co-organizer
- LAC 2015
The Look And Click competition, in which I played the role of the co-organizer
Special Sessions:
If you are interested in participation in such events, please follow this or the related pages.
Data sets
JazzNovo Set (zip)